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Preview of Outer Wilds

Quantum Space Buddies

Quantum Space Buddies (QSB) is a multiplayer mod for Outer Wilds. The mod uses the OWML mod loader and Mirror for networking.

About this Game

Outer Wilds invites players on an awe-inspiring and introspective journey across a vibrant and mysterious solar system. As an intrepid astronaut trapped in a time loop, players explore a hand-crafted universe, uncovering enigmatic secrets that lie scattered across different celestial bodies.

The game’s allure lies in its sense of wonder and discovery; players pilot a small spacecraft, embarking on an odyssey to piece together the cosmic puzzle that envelops the solar system. Each celestial body holds unique mysteries, puzzles, and remnants of an ancient civilization waiting to be unearthed.

Time becomes a precious ally as players navigate the time loop, harnessing knowledge gained from each cycle to uncover the truth behind the impending cosmic cataclysm. The game’s intricate storytelling and non-linear exploration foster an immersive experience, encouraging curiosity and experimentation.

Yet, beyond the cosmic mysteries, Outer Wilds delves into philosophical themes, encouraging players to contemplate the nature of existence, the passage of time, and the vastness of the universe. It weaves a narrative tapestry that challenges players’ perceptions and leaves a lasting impact.

The game stands as a testament to curiosity and contemplation—a mesmerizing voyage that celebrates exploration, cosmic discovery, and the profundity of the unknown, inviting players to venture into the depths of the cosmos and contemplate the mysteries of existence.


Outer Wilds Cover Art
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