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Many games and game genres that exist today come from mods created years ago.

Here is a list of some popular games:

  • DOTA (Warcraft 3)
  • PUBG (ARMA 3)
  • Counter-Strike (Half-Life)
  • Team Fortress (Half-Life)
  • DayZ (ARMA 2)
  • Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat (Half-Life 2)
  • Killing Floor (Unreal Tournament 2004)
  • Squad (Battlefield 2)


Today, AAA developers make it harder for mod creators, especially since most modern games depend on live services.

Therefore we think it is important to preserve and enlighten gems like Together In Spire and Nitrox Multiplayer.

There are more mod genres than Multiplayer and Singleplayer conversions but I feel that there are other big communities that cover those.

The future

Going forward we hope game developers will see that the modding communities help their games become more popular. Just look at mods like DayZ and FiveM that made everybody buy ARMA and Grand Theft Auto 5 years after its initial release.