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Preview of Noita Together

Noita Together

Noita Together is an attempt to bring a slight multiplayer aspect to the game, think of it more like everyone is in different dimensions yet you can still see other players and somewhat interact with each other you can not directly affect other player’s worlds

it consists of an app made with electron for the twitch authentication and making/joining rooms and some other things and a lua mod that communicates with the app in-game mod uses pollws made by probable-basilisk (fakepyry / pyry)

About this Game

Noita presents players with an enchanting and unpredictable world, where every pixel holds the potential for magic and mayhem. Set in a procedurally generated universe, players delve into underground labyrinths filled with danger, mystery, and a spellcasting system that defies convention.

The game’s allure lies in its unique approach to magic and physics. Players control a mage exploring a subterranean realm, wielding a vast array of spells that interact dynamically with the environment. Each pixel is reactive, allowing spells to create chaotic and unexpected chain reactions.

As players progress, they discover new spells and alchemical concoctions, experimenting with combinations to unleash devastating magical effects. The game’s emergent gameplay encourages creative problem-solving and rewards experimentation.

Beyond its magical chaos, Noita embraces the perils of exploration and survival. Players navigate treacherous caverns, encounter menacing creatures, and uncover secrets hidden within the depths, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience.

The game stands as a testament to creativity and unpredictability—a captivating journey that celebrates the allure of magical experimentation, offering a dynamic and ever-surprising adventure where players wield the power of pixels and magic in a mesmerizing underground world.

This project has been archived but a new project called NoitaMP is in the works with a clear roadmap


Built in: Javascript
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