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Nicks Co-op Preview

Nicks Coop

Postal 2 Nicks Coop – Multiplayer co-op modification for Postal 2 Complete.

This is not just a map pack for FreeMP, it’s a real working co-op with all single-player features, like errands, achievements and etc.

Version 1.3.0 – 16/12/2018 (game build: 5023 and below)
Version 1.4.2 – 02/05/2021 (game build: 5024 and above)

The official game servers:
“NicksCoop Postal 2 Server#1”
“NicksCoop Postal 2 Server#2”
NOTE: You can reset the current progress on server by pressing “Game Progress”

Play Postal 2 with your friends – it’s fun!

*2-16 players
*Full week + Apocalypse Weekend
*All errands, weapons and just everything Single-player has!

About this Game

Postal 2 ventures into the realm of dark satire and unfiltered mayhem, placing players in the shoes of the everyday man, simply known as the Postal Dude. Set in the fictional town of Paradise, players navigate through a week-long journey that’s as chaotic as it is absurd.

The game’s allure lies in its irreverent and over-the-top nature. Players explore an open-world sandbox where nearly everything is interactive, from running mundane errands to engaging in outrageous, often politically incorrect, activities that often toe the line of societal norms.

With a sarcastic sense of humor, Postal 2 offers a satirical take on everyday life, poking fun at societal norms, bureaucratic absurdities, and cultural taboos. Players have the freedom to approach situations with either diplomacy or rampant mayhem, shaping the consequences of their actions.

Yet, beyond its controversial elements, Postal 2 is a testament to freedom in gaming. It challenges the boundaries of political correctness and offers an outlet for unfiltered expression, albeit wrapped in a tongue-in-cheek narrative that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

The game stands as a testament to unconventional storytelling and unabashed satireā€”a whirlwind journey through a town where chaos reigns, and societal norms are just suggestions in a game that isn’t afraid to push the boundaries of gaming’s sense of humor and freedom of expression.


Postal 2 Cover
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